Toronto Swimming Pool Accident Lawyers

Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, know that while a swimming pool is an oasis on a hot summer day, an accident can change everything in an instant. Statistics compiled by the Canadian federal government between 2011 to 2019 show that 57 per cent of all drownings in Canada happened in swimming pools in both residential and public settings. A CBC report on kids drowning notes that children under age four are tragically the most at risk.
Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers note pool accidents can happen in many ways. A child suffers potentially life-threatening injuries in a hotel pool. A senior cracks his head after slipping on the neighbour’s wet deck. A girl’s ponytail is sucked into a drain entrapment hazard. A teenager wants to show off to his friends and dives into the shallow end of the pool, suffering a spinal cord injury. They all may have a civil claim for compensation for losses caused by someone else’s negligence. You may too.
Contact us to get the benefits you deserve

The importance of hiring our Toronto
swimming pool accident lawyers

The importance of hiring our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers

Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, understand that after you or a loved one has been injured in a swimming pool accident, it is difficult to figure out the legalities of a personal injury claim. We know the way a case is handled depends on each accident’s specific circumstances. From the negligent pool owner – be it a residential, municipal, hotel, waterpark, wave pool, or gym – faulty equipment manufacturer, or a careless buddy who shouldn’t have pushed you in, we have experience holding those responsible liable for your swimming pool accident and recovering your damages.

Even if young child dove into the shallow end of the swimming pool and hurt himself? Yes, at least partialy.

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers note, for example, the child should’ve been warned of the pool’s depth by the owner. So, while the accident is partly child’s fault for going head-first into shallow water, it’s not 100 per cent on him because the pool owner didn’t have proper signage. We know it should be argued child’s damages be shared under contributory negligence.

The Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers at Verkhovets Law advise that just like other similar personal injury cases, these accidents are covered under the Occupier’s Liability Act (the OLA), which holds the pool owner to a duty of care to ensure everyone is safe from incurring a range of injuries – including those arising from slip, trip and falls.

Damages are awarded if a link can be proven between the negligence and the resultant death or injury. Don’t hesitate to make a claim against an at-fault neighbour: usually the payment comes from their homeowner’s insurance.

Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, also note that while not all legal cases involving pool incidents are fatalities, we would pursue a wrongful death claim on your behalf when a loved one drowns.

We also know how to seek damages for injuries with a tort claim, usually against the negligent party’s insurance, brought under the Family Law Act (FLA). Pain and suffering is the legal term for the physical and emotional stress caused from an injury and you can get compensation for that, too.

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers further advise that a product liability lawsuit alleging negligence can be launched if swimmers are injured by defectively manufactured and designed products. This includes inflatable pool toys, swimming aids, cleaning equipment, diving boards, ladders – anything that is defective and causes harm – including the pool itself. Call or email us today to start your claim.

Swimming Accident
Call or email us today to start your claim

Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers
explain the range of injuries

Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers explain the range of injuries

Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, note the range of injuries arising from a swimming pool accident runs the gamut from cuts and bruises to broken bones, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and wrongful death. It’s important for your personal injury case to know that the types of injuries can often be tied to the various ways they were sustained.
The Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers at Verkhovets Law understand death by drowning is unfortunately a consequence that can happen in a swimming pool. The Ontario edition of the Lifesaving Society of Canada (LSC) Drowning Report summarizes data from the Chief Coroner for Ontario:  
  • 77 per cent of drowning victims in Ontario are male
  • 12 per cent of drownings happen in swimming pools
  • 92 per cent happen with children due to lack of supervision
  • 64 per cent of drownings happen between May to September

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers explain if a victim survives a near-drowning (non-fatal submersion) there can be a series of common injuries. They include:

  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Aspiration pneumonia
  • Brain damage causing long-term impairment
  • Brain damage causing movement issues
  • Hypothermia
  • Long-term damage to oxygen-deprived organs
  • Mental health struggles
Slip/trip/fall or diving accidents can cause a multitude of injuries, add the Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers at Verkhovets Law. They include catastrophic bodily injuries requiring long-term disability to chronic pain or concussion or death. Some of them are:
  • Breaks or sprains
  • Broken hip/tailbone
  • Chronic pain
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Facial injuries
  • Headaches
  • Internal bleeding
  • Neck injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers warn that inflatable pool toys are not floatation devices and can cause injuries if they flip and trap a person under water or knock them against the pool wall.

Further, the Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers at Verkhovets Law say if the pool water isn’t cleaned properly several health issues can arise including coughs, diarrhea, earaches, eye pain, rashes, and symptoms associated with E. coli, Salmonella, crypto, giardia including vomiting, and dehydration.

Toronto swimming pool accident
lawyers outline key legal terms

Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers outline key legal terms

Drain entrapment – Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, define drain entrapment injuries as those that are caused when the pool’s drain suction grabs hair, bathing suit, or parts of the body. It can cause serious or fatal injuries including brain damage/traumatic brain injury, broken bones, drowning, evisceration and disembowelment, lacerations, internal organ damage, and nerve damage or paralysis.

Limitation period – Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers know the limitation periods in personal injury law are crucial and can make or break whether you can even sue at all. Governed under the Limitations Act in Ontario, it means there is a 2-year time limit to initiate a claim. A claim filed after that time limit will be barred from continuing.

Plaintiff – The Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers at Verkhovets Law explain that a plaintiff is the individual or party who launches a lawsuit in a civil matter. Who they sue is the defendant.
Verkhovets Law Long Grey Arrow

Our Toronto swimming pool accident
lawyers explain why injuries happen

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers explain why injuries happen

Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, know the sad facts: most drownings are preventable. While swimming-related accidents can happen in all bodies of water, swimming pools present risk for an injury or death. A troubling statistic is that drownings are the third leading cause of accidental death in Canada, with an average of 400 people losing their lives every year that way, according to the Lifesaving Society of Canada. Thousands are injured.

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers understand nobody wants anyone to be injured in a swimming pool ¬– after all, these are meant to be fun places. But these types of injuries and drownings happen very quickly. When the cause of the accident comes to light in the aftermath, often it’s clear that it didn’t have to happen; if some simple rules, maintenance, or vigilance had occurred, the day probably would have ended differently.

The Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers at Verkhovets Law outline some common causes for swimming pool accidents that can be used as a checklist to prevent future tragedies. Or to provide the foundation for a personal injury lawsuit alleging negligence. They include:

  • Building/design violations
  • Damaged diving board, steps, slide, deck, ladder
  • Distracted/poorly trained/no lifeguards or supervision
  • Diving into shallow water
  • Drain entrapment
  • Electrical hazard
  • Horseplay
  • Improper/lack of fencing
  • Instruction/warning signs illegible or
  • Poor lighting
  • Poorly marked pool depths
  • Slide accidents
  • Slippery decks
  • Intoxication
  • Lack/poor maintenance of safety equipment
  • Loose railing
  • Murky water
  • Negligent act by other swimmers
  • No fence
  • No ropes separating deep and shallow ends
  • Overcrowding
  • Pool drains malfunction/entrapment
  • Trip hazard
  • Too many swimmers
  • Untreated pool water
  • Weak/non-swimmer

Our Toronto brain injury lawyers also

handle these types of claims:

Our Toronto brain injury lawyers also handle these types of claims:

And our Toronto brain injury lawyers

will help you with these types of

personal injuries:

And our Toronto brain injury lawyers will help you with these types of personal injuries:

   Broken bones


   Internal injuries

   Soft tissue injuries


Contact Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident
lawyers, if you or a loved one has suffered a swimming pool
accident – no matter what the cause.
Contact Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, if you or a loved one has suffered a swimming pool accident – no matter what the cause.

Our Toronto swimming pool accident
lawyers know what steps to take

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers know what steps to take

Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, note that time is of the essence after a swimming pool accident if you’re planning to file a claim under the Occupier’s Liability Act. In fact, in Ontario, the provincial government changed the Act in 2021 to a maximum of 60 days for written notice to be given to the other party after certain types of accidnets – it’s important to have your legal team in place as soon as possible.

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers know with the  Occupiers’ liability changes, it’s mandatory for a plaintiff to serve the written notice personally or by registered mail against the swimming pool owner. Failure to do so will result in being prevented from advancing a claim.

If you are applying for statutory accident benefits, you have seven days to let your insurance company know and 30 days to complete the application.

The Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers at Verkhovets Law will assess your injuries to determine the losses, who’s negligent, and how liability will be decided. We will then discuss a range of possible compensation amounts based on the specific facts of your case. 

As part of advancing a personal injury claim, Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, will gather medical evidence and prediction of your future needs.

Meanwhile, Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, advise that you may have access to further monies through community programs including:

Our Toronto swimming pool
accident lawyers are here for you

Our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers are here for you

Verkhovets Law, Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers, understand that taking legal action is the best course of action if your injuries happened because someone else was negligent. We know it’s confusing and can be frightening to sue someone after a swimming pool accident – but it’s an important step for your future, both financially and physically.

We have the experience to navigate the process for you. Call or email our Toronto swimming pool accident lawyers; we’ll work to get the compensation you deserve.